TE CONNECTIVITY’s load pins, model FN1010, are designed to fit in the place of the regular mounting unit.
The implantation is facilitated by the possibility of modifying a certain number of dimensions. The FN1010 is suitable for numerous applications on lifting motors and handling equipment. The load pins can be used to measure forces on rotating components (pulleys, sheaves, etc.) and can be directly mounted on shackles.
The sensing element is fitted with thin film strain gages in a Wheatstone bridge circuit. All FN1010 Load Pins incorporate a keyed anti-rotation slot. Optionally, the load pins may be made watertight for certain applications while resting insensitive to hydrostatic pressure effects. Additionally, the FN1010 is available with an integrated high-level analogue output.
With a long standing experience as a designer and manufacturer of sensors, TE CONNECTIVITY often works with customers to design or customize sensors for specific uses and testing environments. On request, Instruction documents can be provided to ease the selection and use of our sensors and provide helpful tips.
封 裝:負荷銷設計
量 程:10K~2000KN(2~400KLbf)
非 線 性:<±1%FS
輸 出:±20mV(4V;±5V;4~20mA可選)
特 點:嵌入凹槽裝配,雙向可選,可選密封防水結構
至此,數據、智能與城市,完成了一次軟硬件一體的結合。那么,我們不妨簡單總結一下,在才智城市的建構過程中,傳感器系統會承當什么人物? 傳感器將作為數據規劃師存在。在城市智能交通系統的布置細節中,我們會發現,傳感器系統并不僅僅是在機械履行道路改造作業,而是充沛結合城市交通發展中的實際問題,經過數字化、智能化的手段,去應對雜亂而多變的交通狀況。換句話說,一個好的數據規劃師,才干讓城市生活變得實在可
人們為了從外界獲取信息,須借助于感覺氣官。而單靠人們本身的感覺氣官,在研究天然現象和規則以及出產活動中它們的功用就遠遠不夠了。為習慣這種狀況,就需要傳感器。因而可以說,傳感器是人類五官的延長,又稱之為電五官?! ⌒录寄艿牡絹恚瑖H開始進入信息時代。在使用信息的過程中,首先要解決的就是要獲取準確可靠的信息,而傳感器是獲取天然和出產領域中信息的主要途徑與手段。 在現代工業出產尤其是自動化出產過程